Protect Trans People Sticker Sheet
$8.95 $0.00
A glossy black rectangular sticker sheet with four different color versions of our Protect Trans People design. The designs read “Protect Trans People” in a punk font. Different imagery such as a knife, flail, barbed wire, and roses are all floating/wrapping around the text. There is a trans flag color version, a non binary version, a pansexual version, and a bisexual version. There are stylized stars and pieces of barbed wire around the sticker sheet in various whites, yellows, pinks, and blues. In the middle of the bigger designs is "transfigure" in a pink and blue metal font. On the left and right sides of the logo is a little knife and a little rose, that can be found in the bigger designs as well.
The best lil collection of identity flags!
Each sticker is about 2.5" tall.
Durable, UV protected, and waterproof.
5" x 7".