Field Notes Brand

Field Notes Original Kraft Notebook - GRAPH, RULED, PLAIN, MIXED

$12.95 $12.95


This is the original that started it all.

Inspired by the vanishing subgenere of agricultural memo books, ornate pocket ledgers, and the simple, unassuming beauty of a well-crafter grocery list, the Draplin Design Co., Portland, Oregon—in conjunction with Coudal Partners, Chicago brings you "FIELD NOTES".

The original 48-page memo book available in a three-pack with GRAPH PAPER, RULED PAPER, PLAIN PAPER and MIXED THREE-PACK.

Each book measures 3.5” wide by 5.5” tall and is bound with a rugged three-staple saddle-stitch process.
144 pages each.
Set of Three Memo Books
A DDC/CP Joint from Field Notes Brand.